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Benefit evaluation in multiple sclerosis relapse treatment from the patients' perspective - development and validation of a new questionnaire

Beckmann H, Augustin M, Heesen C, Poettgen J, Blome C

Publication year:2019
Journal:Mult Scler Relat Disord 28:256-61

Willingness to pay for a cure of low-risk melanoma patients in Germany

Augustin M, Blome C, Forschner A, Gutzmer R, Hauschild A, Heinzerling L, Livingstone E, Loquai C, Schadendorf D, Utikal J, Wagner T, Wilden S, Kähler KC

Publication year:2018
Journal:PLOS ONE 24;13(5):e0197780

Fear of cancer progression in patients with stage IA malignant melanoma

Wagner T, Augustin M, Blome C, Forschner A, Garbe C, Gutzmer R, Hauschild A, Heinzerling L, Livingstone E, Loquai C, Schadendorf D, Terheyden P, Mueller-Brenne T, Kähler KC

Publication year:2018
Journal:Eur J Cancer Care 27(5):e12901

Differences between Patient- and Proxy-reported HRQoL Using the Wound-QoL

Sommer R, Hampel-Kalthoff C, Kalthoff B, Neht C, Scherfer E, Winkler M, Blome C

Publication year:2018
Journal:Wound Repair Regen 26(3):293-6

Development and validation of the Patient Benefit Index for peripheral arterial disease

Zander N, Demirel EB, Augustin M, Sommer R, Debus ES, Breuer P, Blome C

Publication year:2018
Journal:VASA 47(3):219-26

Validation of a short form FLQA-LS quality of life instrument for lymphedema

Augustin M, Conde Montero E, Hagenström K, Herberger K, Blome C

Publication year:2018
Journal:Br J Dermatol 31(4):257-63

The outweigh of toxicity versus risk of recurrence for adjuvant interferon therapy: a survey in German melanoma patients and their treating physicians

Kähler KC, Blome C, Forschner A, Gutzmer R, Hauschild A, Heinzerling L, Livingstone E, Loquai C, Müller-Brenne T, Schadendorf D, Utikal J, Wagner T, Augustin M

Publication year:2018
Journal:Oncotarget 25;9(40):26217-25

Measuring the importance of health domains in psoriasis discrete choice experiment versus rating scales

Gutknecht M, Schaarschmidt ML, Danner M, Blome C, Augustin M

Publication year:2018
Journal:Patient Prefer Adherence 15;12:363-73

Efficacy of a N-palmitoylethanolamine containing bodylotion in subjects with chronic pruritus due to dry skin: results of a dermatocosmetic study

Viß K, Blome C, Phan NQ, Augustin M, Ständer S

Publication year:2017
Journal:Acta Derm Venereol 97(5):639-41

Quality of life and patient benefit following transition from methotrexate to ustekinumab in psoriasis

Augustin M, Blome C, Paul C, Puig L, Luger T, Lambert J, Chimenti S, Girolomoni G, Kragballe K, Naessens D, Bergmans P, Smirnov P, Barker J, Reich K

Publication year:2017
Journal:J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 31(2):294-303